About Us
A different kind of public school, John Stockton Elementary benefits from record high parental volunteer involvement. It was this level of engagement from parents that first inspired the creation of Friends of Stockton (FOS), an independent 501(c)(3) parent led nonprofit, in the early 1990s. Since that time, FOS has led the charge in foundational fundraising and special volunteer projects to help provide the resources needed to help the school continue to achieve excellence in education.
Among the group’s early successes was the campaign to build the Stockton Media Center, and more recently, the group funded the classroom iPad project and procured a $90,000 investment in the all-in-one interactive carts program. Friends of Stockton supports its annual campaign with Luminaria sales, the Dolphin Circle dinner and the High Five Student Hands campaign. In addition, the Friends of Stockton Business Partners sponsorship program is instrumental in building valuable community relationships and in raising critical funds to support the school in ways not otherwise possible.
For more than 60 years, John Stockton Elementary School has fostered an
academic community that inspires lifelong learners. As a non-Title 1 school,
Stockton does not receive additional funding from the county, but the school’s
heavily involved parents and superb educators make a huge difference. Benefiting from
a unique S.T.E.M. magnet program, students leave Stockton with a firm foundation in the
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields – ready to succeed in middle
school and beyond..
2024 - 2025 OFFICERS
President: Margaret Hall
Vice President Operations: Talley Roberts
Vice President of Programs: Lauren Agresti
Treasurer: Megan Dodd
Secretary: Tiffany Hendrix
Business Partner Co-Chairs: Katie Williams & Tiffany Hendrix
Teacher Grant Co-Chairs: Meredith Ross & Alicia Fischer
Beautification Chair: Margie Fox
Luminaria Chairs: William Boozer & Ellen Wilson
Hands Chair: Lauren Miller & Sarah Townsend
Dolphin Circle Co-Chairs: Chelsea Colon & Christina Williams